速報APP / 遊戲 / 龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!

龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!


檔案大小:10.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!(圖1)-速報App

Dragon Trainer+++ FREE for a limited time only, download now! +++

“Entertainment rich”

“Eye soothing colors”

“Exciting levels”


龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!(圖2)-速報App

Do you like dragons? If your answer comes out a Yes, then the game, Dragon Trainer, is for you. However, unlike other dragons your dragon is a little lazy. It eats a lot and does not perform any physical activity. Due to that, it has put on 400 lbs weight. The body of your dragon has gone out of shape. It looks lethargic as well. It is now your duty to train the dragon. With your help, the dragon can lose some extra pounds, in turn, it get its body shape back.

There is an exercise that you need to train through your dragon. It is skipping. It takes focus and jumping through skipping exercise. More your dragon jumps, more pounds it loses. Your dragon depends on how well you play the game. More you play, more easily the dragon can get its shape back.

The game is full of exciting new levels. You need to keep your dragon away from hamburgers and cookies. That’s why it needs focus. It would be interesting to know that how long it will take your dragon to get its body shape back.

+++Game Features+++

“Needs focus”

龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!(圖3)-速報App

“Touch and Tap Game”

“Fun and a good time-killer”

龍教練 - 如何失去你的脂肪!(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad